Adversaries may create, acquire, or steal code signing materials to sign their malware or tools. Code signing provides a level of authenticity on a binary from the developer and a guarantee that the binary has not been tampered with. [1] The certificates used during an operation may be created, acquired, or stolen by the adversary. [2] [3] Unlike Invalid Code Signature, this activity will result in a valid signature.
Code signing to verify software on first run can be used on modern Windows and macOS systems. It is not used on Linux due to the decentralized nature of the platform. [1][4]
Code signing certificates may be used to bypass security policies that require signed code to execute on a system.
ID | Name | Description |
S0504 | Anchor |
Anchor has been signed with valid certificates to evade detection by security tools.[5] |
S0584 | AppleJeus |
AppleJeus has used a valid digital signature from Sectigo to appear legitimate.[6] |
G0096 | APT41 |
APT41 leveraged code-signing certificates to sign malware when targeting both gaming and non-gaming organizations.[7][8] |
S0475 | BackConfig |
BackConfig has been signed with self signed digital certificates mimicking a legitimate software company.[9] |
S0234 | Bandook | |
S0534 | Bazar |
Bazar has been signed with fake certificates including those appearing to be from VB CORPORATE PTY. LTD.[11] |
S1070 | Black Basta |
The Black Basta dropper has been digitally signed with a certificate issued by Akeo Consulting for legitimate executables used for creating bootable USB drives.[12] |
BLINDINGCAN has been signed with code-signing certificates such as CodeRipper.[13] |
BOOSTWRITE has been signed by a valid CA.[14] |
C0015 | C0015 |
For C0015, the threat actors used DLL files that had invalid certificates.[15] |
S0144 | ChChes |
ChChes samples were digitally signed with a certificate originally used by Hacking Team that was later leaked and subsequently revoked.[16][17][18] |
S0611 | Clop | |
S0154 | Cobalt Strike |
Cobalt Strike can use self signed Java applets to execute signed applet attacks.[20][21] |
G0052 | CopyKittens |
CopyKittens digitally signed an executable with a stolen certificate from legitimate company AI Squared.[22] |
S0527 | CSPY Downloader |
CSPY Downloader has come signed with revoked certificates.[23] |
G0012 | Darkhotel |
Darkhotel has used code-signing certificates on its malware that are either forged due to weak keys or stolen. Darkhotel has also stolen certificates and signed backdoors and downloaders with them.[24][25] |
S0187 | Daserf |
Some Daserf samples were signed with a stolen digital certificate.[26] |
S0377 | Ebury |
Ebury has installed a self-signed RPM package mimicking the original system package on RPM based systems.[27] |
S0624 | Ecipekac |
Ecipekac has used a valid, legitimate digital signature to evade detection.[28] |
G1003 | Ember Bear |
Ember Bear has used stolen certificates from Electrum Technologies GmbH to sign payloads.[29] |
S0091 | Epic |
Turla has used valid digital certificates from Sysprint AG to sign its Epic dropper.[30] |
G0037 | FIN6 | |
G0046 | FIN7 |
FIN7 has signed Carbanak payloads with legally purchased code signing certificates. FIN7 has also digitally signed their phishing documents, backdoors and other staging tools to bypass security controls.[32][33] |
G0093 | GALLIUM |
GALLIUM has used stolen certificates to sign its tools including those from Whizzimo LLC.[34] |
S0168 | Gazer |
Gazer versions are signed with various valid certificates; one was likely faked and issued by Comodo for "Solid Loop Ltd," and another was issued for "Ultimate Computer Support Ltd."[35][36] |
S0342 | GreyEnergy |
GreyEnergy digitally signs the malware with a code-signing certificate.[37] |
S0170 | Helminth |
Helminth samples have been signed with legitimate, compromised code signing certificates owned by software company AI Squared.[38] |
S0697 | HermeticWiper |
The HermeticWiper executable has been signed with a legitimate certificate issued to Hermetica Digital Ltd.[39][40][41][42] |
S0698 | HermeticWizard |
HermeticWizard has been signed by valid certificates assigned to Hermetica Digital.[43] |
S0163 | Janicab |
Janicab used a valid AppleDeveloperID to sign the code to get past security restrictions.[44] |
G0094 | Kimsuky | |
G0032 | Lazarus Group |
Lazarus Group has digitally signed malware and utilities to evade detection.[46] |
G0065 | Leviathan |
Leviathan has used stolen code signing certificates to sign malware.[47][48] |
S0372 | LockerGoga |
LockerGoga has been signed with stolen certificates in order to make it look more legitimate.[49] |
G1014 | LuminousMoth |
LuminousMoth has signed their malware with a valid digital signature.[50] |
G0045 | menuPass |
menuPass has resized and added data to the certificate table to enable the signing of modified files with legitimate signatures.[28] |
S0455 | Metamorfo |
Metamorfo has digitally signed executables using AVAST Software certificates.[51] |
G0021 | Molerats |
Molerats has used forged Microsoft code-signing certificates on malware.[52] |
S0284 | More_eggs |
More_eggs has used a signed binary shellcode loader and a signed Dynamic Link Library (DLL) to create a reverse shell.[31] |
G1009 | Moses Staff |
Moses Staff has used signed drivers from an open source tool called DiskCryptor to evade detection.[53] |
S0210 | Nerex | |
C0022 | Operation Dream Job |
During Operation Dream Job, Lazarus Group digitally signed their own malware to evade detection.[55] |
C0006 | Operation Honeybee |
During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors deployed the MaoCheng dropper with a stolen Adobe Systems digital signature.[56] |
G0040 | Patchwork |
Patchwork has signed malware with self-signed certificates from fictitious and spoofed legitimate software companies.[9] |
S0501 | PipeMon |
PipeMon, its installer, and tools are signed with stolen code-signing certificates.[57] |
PROMETHIUM has signed code with self-signed certificates.[58] |
S0650 | QakBot | |
S0262 | QuasarRAT |
A QuasarRAT .dll file is digitally signed by a certificate from AirVPN.[61] |
S0148 | RTM |
RTM samples have been signed with a code-signing certificates.[62] |
G1015 | Scattered Spider |
Scattered Spider has used self-signed and stolen certificates originally issued to NVIDIA and Global Software LLC.[63] |
G0091 | Silence |
Silence has used a valid certificate to sign their primary loader Silence.Downloader (aka TrueBot).[64] |
C0024 | SolarWinds Compromise |
During the SolarWinds Compromise, APT29 was able to get SUNBURST signed by SolarWinds code signing certificates by injecting the malware into the SolarWinds Orion software lifecycle.[65] |
S0646 | SpicyOmelette |
SpicyOmelette has been signed with valid digital certificates.[66] |
S0491 | StrongPity |
StrongPity has been signed with self-signed certificates.[58] |
S0603 | Stuxnet |
Stuxnet used a digitally signed driver with a compromised Realtek certificate.[67] |
G0039 | Suckfly |
Suckfly has used stolen certificates to sign its malware.[68] |
S0559 | SUNBURST |
SUNBURST was digitally signed by SolarWinds from March - May 2020.[65] |
S0663 | SysUpdate |
SysUpdate has been signed with stolen digital certificates.[69] |
G0092 | TA505 |
TA505 has signed payloads with code signing certificates from Thawte and Sectigo.[70][71][72] |
S0266 | TrickBot | |
G0044 | Winnti Group |
Winnti Group used stolen certificates to sign its malware.[73] |
G0102 | Wizard Spider |
Wizard Spider has used Digicert code-signing certificates for some of its malware.[74] |
This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.
ID | Data Source | Data Component | Detects |
DS0022 | File | File Metadata |
Collect and analyze signing certificate metadata on software that executes within the environment to look for unusual certificate characteristics and outliers. |